S-Monovette® DNA Exact

Optimised preanalytics with a new blood collection system for in vitro DNA diagnostics

The new S-Monovette® DNA Exact with a validated performance provides the safety of standardized preanalytical DNA stabilization.

Temperature fluctuations during transport or storage of blood samples may have an adverse effect on gDNA quality. The new CE certified S-Monovette® DNA Exact (CE/IVD) stabilizes the gDNA in the sample enabling a standardized sample under validated storage conditions:

- at 35°C: 5 days
- at room temperature (22 °C): 14 days
- at 4°C: 28 days
- at -20°C: at least 1 year (study in progress)
- 5 freezing & thawing cycles

The validated time and temperature parameters ensure optimal sample comparability and, at the same time, enable reproducible isolation of high quality DNA.

Avoid inconsistent quality, preserve DNA quality right from the time of sample collection, and benefit from the validated performance of the new S-Monovette® DNA Exact.

The S-Monovette® DNA Exact is compatible with commonly known kits for DNA isolation from EDTA blood samples.

For further information and data on the S-Monovette® DNA Exact, please refer to our White Paper “Sarstedt S-Monovette® DNA Exact – A New IVD Certified Blood Collection Tube for Collection, Transport and Stabilization of Whole Blood for Genomic DNA Analysis”.

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