

The versatile urine tube options can be optimally used in the most varied of urine analysis fields. Our range of conical urine tubes is particularly suitable for sedimentation and subsequent microscopic assessment of the sediment.

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NFT Urine collection system

NFT Urine collection system

Urine Analysis

Urine Analysis

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UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette without hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette without hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette without hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette with hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette with hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette with hydrochloric acid
