

Only clean and correct collection of samples ensures the right analysis results. The wide selection of user-friendly urine containers meets all requirements of collection, transport and storage.  Our product portfolio with various volumes and snap-on and screw cap variants meets the wide range of individual requirements.

Sample volume
Length excluding cap
Diameter of opening
  • 441 - 440 of 36 products
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NFT Urine collection system

NFT Urine collection system



Urine Analysis

Urine Analysis

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UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette without hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette without hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette without hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette with hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette with hydrochloric acid

UriSet 24 NFT with urine monovette with hydrochloric acid

Patient information for 24-hour urine collection using a urine collection container NFT

Patient information for 24-hour urine collection using a urine collection container NFT

Patient information for 24-hour urine collection using a urine collection container NFT

SARSTEDT V-Monovette® Urine, urine cup and collection container with integrated transfer unit and accessories

SARSTEDT V-Monovette® Urine, urine cup and collection container with integrated transfer unit and accessories

SARSTEDT V-Monovette® Urine, urine cup and collection container with integrated transfer unit and accessories
