Blood gas

Blood gas

The liquid Ca2+ balanced heparin enables rapid and optimal mixing of blood and anticoagulants. The Blood Gas Monovette® is available in 1 and 2 ml options and has been designed for venous and arterial blood collection. The blood gas capillaries offer a nominal volume range of 100–175 µl.

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    Why does the excess air in a blood sample for blood gas analysis need to be removed immediately after blood collection?

    Generally, the oxygen or CO2 status is determined from the blood in a blood gas analysis. In order to do this, it is necessary to ensure that the blood sample is not enriched with oxygen from the excess air.

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    Does Sarstedt offer collection systems for blood gas analytics?

    Yes, Sarstedt offers collection systems for arterial, venous (1 and 2 ml) and capillary (100 µl, 125 µl, 140 µl, 175 µl) sample collection. The Blood Gas Monovette® and the blood gas capillaries are prepared with Ca2+(calcium)-balanced heparin. 

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    Is it possible to connect Safety-Needles/Safety-Multifly® needles to the Blood Gas Monovette®, which has a Luer connection, and collect blood?

    Yes, using the membrane adapter Art. No. 14.1112). This is placed on the Luer cone of the Blood Gas Monovette® and the procedure is then completed with the Safety-Needle/Safety-Multifly® needle as usual.

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    Can the Blood Gas Monovette® be shaken well or swivelled to ensure that it is mixed well?

    No. Since the Blood Gas Monovette® which has been filled and has had the excess air removed does not have a dead volume, it is recommended that the blood sample is rolled carefully between the palms immediately after collection.

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    How is the Blood Gas Monovette® prepared?

    The Blood Gas Monovette® is distinguished by its liquid preparation with Ca2+ -balanced heparin, which ensures rapid mixing of the heparin with the blood.

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    What is Ca2+ -balanced/titrated/equilibrated heparin?

    In this heparin, all of the active binding sites are saturated with calcium, so Ca2+ can be determined from the blood sample without any interference.

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    What needs to be taken into account when finishing blood collection with the Blood Gas Monovette® at a vascular access?

    At the end of the blood collection, the Blood Gas Monovette® should be twisted in a clockwise direction to remove it from the vascular access. The same applies to connecting and disconnecting to/from an analysis device.

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    How long after blood collection can a blood gas analysis (BGA) be carried out on a blood sample which has not been chilled?

    The BGA should be carried out immediately if possible, but no later than 15 minutes after collection.

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